She Sheds
Men aren’t the only ones who crave a space of their own. A place to escape to when the going gets tough (read: the kids get rowdy) and you need some peace and quiet. In the times before everything had a cute moniker, you might have called these places hangouts, workrooms, or studios. But nowadays, if the room has been claimed by the man in the family, it is a man cave and by the woman, a she shed.
What can a she shed be used for, you ask? Well, really anything you’d like. Gardening, painting, reading, crafts, guests — the list could go on for miles.
Here are a few ideas for she shed designs that can be modified to fit your style and budget.
Guest house
Do you have frequent overnight guests and no guest bedroom? Create an oasis for your guests in your garage to give them (and you) the privacy they crave. Creating a she shed guest house is relatively easy and will fit most budgets.
Make sure your space is insulated against the heat and cold and has adequate ventilation. Smoke detectors are a must in any sleeping quarters. If your budget allows, add a small bathroom (even a half bath would be nice!) and kitchenette for the ultimate guest experience. Finish off the space with homey furnishings—bed, night stands, lamps, and small dresser— that will make your guest feel welcome.
Artist’s Studio
Do you crave a space where your creative juices can run freely? A she shed provides a great place for your artistic pursuits whether they be painting, writing, crafting, or sewing. Separate yourself from the day to day household chores and allow yourself to focus on the task in front of you.
The most important aspect of an artist’s studio is light. Consider adding a full view garage door — frosted, if you want privacy— to make the most of the natural light. You’ll also want enough storage for all of your supplies if you are a visual artist or a comfortable chair and desk. if you are a writer. Design your room around these key pieces, everything else is secondary.

Potting Shed
Are your gardening tools and plant pots taking over your car’s spot in the garage? Maybe it’s time to fully commit the space to your green thumb endeavors. This is usually one of the easiest garage transformations because your space is probably going to get a little dirty anyway, so why bother stocking it with the best and newest furnishings? A couple of heavy duty workstations, tool storage, and some shelves and you are in business!
Home Office
Are you working on the next big business idea? Get the peace and quiet you deserve in the garage. To create a basic she shed home office, all you need is a desk, chair, and a light. Of course, you can (and should) add other items to create a more productive and aesthetically pleasing space. A rug, bookcase, and wall hangings complete the look.
You may remember our recent blog about four companies that started in a garage. Maybe your company will be the next addition to this list?

A she shed garage makeover takes a little time, money, and planning, but the results are so worth it. Set aside a weekend and create your ultimate hideaway.