Champion Overhead Door’s Guide to Side Load vs. Front Load Garages

Champion Overhead Door’s Guide to Side Load vs. Front Load Garages

A home featuring a side load garage.


Are you in the process of designing or buying a new home? One of the crucial decisions you’ll encounter is the placement of your garage. Garages can be positioned either at the front or side of your house, each offering its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll delve into the distinctions between side load and front load garages to help you make an informed decision that suits your needs and preferences.

Front Load Garages

Front load garages are the more traditional option, where the garage door faces the street and is typically integrated into the frontal facade of the house. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons:

Benefits of Front Load Garages:

Convenience: Front load garages provide direct access to the street, making it easier to enter and exit your home, especially in old New England neighborhoods with narrow streets or limited space for maneuvering vehicles.

Aesthetics: For those concerned about curb appeal, a well-designed front load garage can enhance the visual appeal of your home’s exterior, contributing to its overall attractiveness and resale value.

Accessibility: When the garage is situated at the front, guests and visitors can easily locate your home, simplifying navigation and ensuring a welcoming entrance.

Drawbacks of Front Load Garages:

Dominance of Garage: A prominent front load garage may overshadow the house’s architectural features, detracting from its aesthetic appeal and giving the impression of prioritizing vehicle storage over living space.

Limited Privacy: With the garage facing the street, there might be concerns regarding privacy, noise pollution, and visual intrusion, particularly if you spend time in the front yard or have large windows facing the street.

Driveway Space: Front load garages typically require a longer driveway, which can occupy valuable outdoor space and limit landscaping options in the front yard.

Here is an example of a modern farmhouse-style home with a front load garage door.

Side Load Garages

Side load garages, on the other hand, are positioned perpendicular to the street, with the garage doors facing the sides of the property. Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages:

Benefits of Side Load Garages:

Architectural Flexibility: Side load garages offer more design flexibility, allowing for a wider range of architectural styles and facilitating the creation of a visually appealing front elevation with fewer constraints imposed by the garage.

Enhanced Privacy: By orienting the garage towards the side of the property, side load configurations provide increased privacy for outdoor activities and living spaces, shielding them from the street and passing traffic.

Landscaping Opportunities: With less driveway space required, side load garages enable homeowners to maximize landscaping opportunities in the front yard, creating lush green spaces and enhancing the property’s overall curb appeal.

Drawbacks of Side Load Garages:

Maneuverability: Depending on the lot’s layout, maneuvering vehicles into a side load garage may be more challenging, especially if the driveway is narrow or obstructed by landscaping features.

Limited Street Visibility: Locating the garage on the side of the house might make it less visible from the street, potentially posing navigation challenges for guests and service providers trying to locate your home.

Cost Considerations: Building a side load garage may involve additional construction costs compared to a front load configuration, particularly if site preparation and landscaping modifications are required to accommodate the new layout.


When choosing between a side load and front load garage, you must consider your priorities, lifestyle preferences, and the architectural character of your home. While front load garages offer convenience and direct street access, side load configurations provide enhanced privacy and design flexibility. Ultimately, the decision should align with your aesthetic preferences, functional requirements, and long-term goals for your property. Whether you opt for the classic charm of a front load garage or the versatility of a side load design, both options can enhance the functionality and appeal of your home.

Regardless of whether you opt for a side load or front load garage, ensuring your garage door is of the highest quality is paramount. For top-notch garage door solutions and expert service, consider partnering with Champion Overhead Door, serving the communities of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont. With our extensive experience and commitment to excellence, Champion Overhead Door can help you find the perfect garage door to complement your home’s design and functionality – Contact us today!

2024 Garage Door Trends

2024 Garage Door Trends

Caption: You heard it here first! Natural wood grain finishes will be popular in the residential garage door market for 2024.


As we approach 2024, trend and style forecasts are popping up everywhere. And while we won’t try to predict the next big thing in fashion or music, here at Champion Overhead Door we do know a thing about garage doors and exterior home design. This is why we’re excited to share the upcoming garage door color and style trends that will dominate the scene in the coming year.

Elegance in Simplicity: Classic White Takes Center Stage

In 2024, we anticipate a return to timeless elegance with classic white garage doors. White is not just a color; it’s a statement of simplicity and sophistication. This versatile shade complements the home exterior, creating a clean and welcoming facade. Whether your home boasts a modern design or leans towards a more traditional aesthetic, a white garage door enhances its curb appeal effortlessly.

Caption: Bold and beautiful! Coordinating pops of bold coral on the garage door and garden gate bring so much personality to the exterior of this modern home.

Bold Hues for a Pop of Personality

While classic white will be en vogue, we’re also seeing a rise in homeowners opting for bold, vibrant hues to add a pop of personality to their exteriors. Deep blues, rich greens, and even daring reds are expected to make a splash in 2024. These bold colors catch the eye and showcase the homeowner’s unique style. Imagine pulling into your driveway and being greeted by a burst of color – it’s the perfect way to make a memorable first impression.

Modern Minimalism: Sleek and Sleek Designs

In 2024, garage door styles are leaning towards sleek, minimalistic designs. Clean lines, simple panels, and subtle hardware create a modern aesthetic that effortlessly complements contemporary architecture. These designs elevate the overall look of your home and provide a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Smart Technology Integration

Garage doors are not just about style but also about functionality. 2024, we expect a surge in demand for smart garage door solutions. Imagine controlling your garage door with a tap on your smartphone or receiving real-time alerts about its status. Smart technology enhances convenience and adds an extra layer of security to your home.

Customization for a Personal Touch

One size does not fit all, and we understand that. In 2024, customization will play a pivotal role in garage door trends. Homeowners are increasingly seeking personalized options to match their unique preferences. Whether it’s choosing a specific color, adding decorative hardware, or incorporating unique window designs, the ability to customize your garage door ensures that it truly reflects your personal style.


As we enter 2024, the garage door landscape is evolving to offer a perfect blend of classic elegance and modern innovation. Whether you prefer the timeless appeal of white, the bold statement of vibrant colors, or the natural charm of wood-grain textures, the coming year has something for every taste. With the added benefits of smart technology and customizable options, your garage door is no longer just a functional element but a key player in elevating the overall aesthetics of your home. Embrace these trends, and let your garage door become a stylish focal point that leaves a lasting impression. Need help getting started or looking for an expert consultation for what might best suit your home? The garage door experts at Champion Overhead Door are ready to help – Contact us today!

Decorate Your Garage Door for Halloween!

Decorate Your Garage Door for Halloween!

It’s fall in New England, and everyone is getting into the holiday spirit, including these friendly pups – er – ghosts!


As the leaves in New England famously change colors and the air gets crisper, Halloween season is upon us, and what better way to showcase your holiday spirit than by decorating your garage door? It’s a unique canvas for your creativity, and with the right inspiration, you can turn it into a frighteningly fabulous focal point. Champion Overhead Door is here to share some Halloween garage door decoration ideas that will make your home the envy of the neighborhood!

Turn Your Garage Door Into A Horror Movie – Literally!

Our first suggestion is also one of the simplest. A projector can transform your garage door into an outdoor theater, perfect for hosting a Halloween movie night. Project eerie classics like “Scream” or “The Shining” onto the door, creating a chilling atmosphere for you and your guests (looking for something more family friendly? We also love the classics “Hocus Pocus” or “Nightmare Before Christmas” – all the spooky season ambiance, but none of the Jack Nicholson-induced nightmares!). Bust out the camping chairs, grab some popcorn, and enjoy a night under the stars, all without leaving your driveway.

A Fire-Breathing Dragon

Transform your garage door into a fearsome mythological creature – it’s easier than you think! Using construction paper or craft foam, create a pair of dragon eyes and nostrils (bonus points for adding LED lights to your eyes for added creepiness). Then, manually set your garage door to be partially closed, leaving a one to two foot gap between the floor and the garage door. Place a fog machine (we like this under-$40 pick from Amazon) near the cracked garage door and arrange your dragon face so that you create the illusion your entire garage is a fire-breathing monster!

Monster Mash

Celebrate Halloween with a parade of monstrous characters on your garage door. Craft giant monster faces out of cardboard or foam, featuring comical or creepy expressions. Frankenstein, mummies, werewolves, and vampires can all make appearances. These monster mash decorations will give your garage door an eye-catching and whimsical touch.

Pro Tip: Most garage doors allow for manual adjustments that leave them partially open. But there’s nothing worse than a garage door that won’t close all the way when you need it to! Read our top tips to troubleshoot this common homeowner headache here.

The Walking Undead

Zombies have become an iconic part of modern Halloween lore. Turn your garage door into a scene from a zombie apocalypse. Use red paint or fake blood to create handprints, smudges, and splatters leading to the garage (we don’t advise putting any of these items on your actual garage door, as they could leave serious stains – if you’re going for a new look, we recommend one of thesegarage door trends, instead!). Add zombie silhouettes or cutouts to the garage door itself to complete the look. Your neighbors won’t be able to resist snapping a few photos of your terrifying Halloween garage door decoration!

Pumpkin Patch Party

A pumpkin patch is a charming and traditional Halloween theme. Decorate your garage area with an array of pumpkins of various sizes and colors. You can create these pumpkins from foam, paper, or cardboard, adding LED lights for a warm and inviting glow. This wholesome decoration will convey the spirit of Halloween in a friendly and welcoming way!

Bewitched by Bats

Bats are synonymous with Halloween. Craft a colony of bats to adorn your garage door. Cut out bat shapes from black paper or cardboard and stick them to your garage door. Hanging a few of them from the garage soffits using invisible thread or fishing line will add movement and depth to your display. Place them in flight formation for a chilling yet elegant look that will delight visitors.

Spellbinding Spiderwebs

Spiders and their webs are spooky Halloween staples. Adorn your garage door with enormous spiderwebs made from white yarn or string. Attach plastic spiders to complete the creepy scene. You can illuminate the web with blacklight or string lights to create a dramatic effect.

Photo credit: Wafair. Link to shop available here. Alt text: This garage door scene includes two ideas in one – combining the ease of a wrap with the spookiness of spiders!

That’s a Wrap!

Looking for something quick? Not feeling crafty? No problem! For those seeking a hassle-free way to decorate their garage door, consider garage door wrap kits available from popular retailers. These kits are designed to completely cover your garage door with stunning, high-quality images, turning your door into a work of art. From sinister haunted house scenes to friendly pumpkin patches, these wraps are easy to apply and remove without any damage to your door’s surface.


Decorating your garage door for Halloween is a fantastic way to engage with the festive spirit and impress your friends and neighbors. With these Halloween garage door decoration ideas, you can turn your garage door into a work of art that captures the essence of Halloween. Whether you choose to go for a spooky, eerie, or whimsical theme, the possibilities are endless. When you’re done creating your Halloween masterpiece on your garage door, it’s essential to remember that the best way to ensure your garage door remains in excellent condition is through regular maintenance and repair. If you encounter any issues with your garage door or need a professional touch, Champion Overhead Door is here to help with your garage door repair needs. Contact us today!

Preparing Your Garage for Winter

Preparing Your Garage for Winter

Winter is coming! Prepare yourself and your home with these tips to winterize your garage.


The arrival of the autumn season tends to divide people into two groups – the ones in denial, who wear their flip-flops until the snow falls, or the ones who have been happily sipping pumpkin spice lattes since August. But regardless of where you fall on this spectrum (we don’t judge!), the change of seasons is inevitable. And one way you can set yourself – and your home – up for an easy seasonal transition is by prepping your garage for winter. Why? Because your garage isn’t just a space to park your car; it’s a storage haven for tools, equipment, and possibly even an extension of your living space. To ensure that your garage remains functional, organized, and well-protected during the winter, here are seven essential tips to help you prep your garage for the colder months ahead.

To Begin Winterizing Your Garage, Organize and Declutter

Before winter sets in, take the opportunity while the weather is still cooperative and declutter your garage. Sort through your belongings and identify items that you no longer need. Organize your tools, sports equipment, and other items into categories. This will make your garage more visually appealing, create more space, and make it easier to find what you need during winter.

Check for Insulation

Proper insulation is key to keeping your garage warm during winter. Inspect the walls, ceiling, and door for any gaps, cracks, or signs of poor insulation. Seal any openings with weather stripping or caulk, and consider adding insulation to the walls and ceiling if necessary. Adequate insulation helps maintain a comfortable temperature and prevents cold air and moisture from seeping into the garage or your home if you have an attached garage!

Service Your Garage Door

Your garage door is your first line of defense against the elements, so ensuring it’s in good working condition before winter arrives is crucial. Lubricate the moving parts, such as hinges and rollers, to prevent them from freezing or becoming stiff in colder temperatures. Check the weather stripping around the door for any signs of wear and replace it if needed. If you notice any issues with the door’s operation, consider calling a professional for repairs to avoid any inconveniences during winter.

Protect Your Garage Against the Threat of Moisture

Moisture can wreak havoc in your garage, leading to rust, mold, and damage to your belongings. To combat this, invest in a dehumidifier to maintain the humidity levels in the garage. Also, make sure the garage is properly ventilated by opening windows periodically on milder days. If your garage floor tends to accumulate moisture, consider using garage floor mats to protect against water and de-icing chemicals that can be tracked into your home during winter.

Now It’s Time to Store Those Seasonal Items Your Sorted

Once you’ve weeded out the clutter and sorted what’s left, take the opportunity to store away seasonal items that won’t be needed during winter. Bicycles, lawnmowers, and outdoor furniture can be cleaned and stored in a designated area of the garage or in a storage shed. This will free up space for winter-related items and prevent your summer belongings from deteriorating during the harsh weather.

Winterize Tools and Equipment

Winter can be tough on your tools and equipment, so take the time to properly winterize them. Drain fuel from lawnmowers, chainsaws, and other gas-powered equipment to prevent the fuel from degrading and causing damage. Clean and lubricate your tools to prevent rust and keep them in good working condition. This proactive step will save you time and money when spring arrives.

Create a Winter Car Kit For When You’re On the Road

If you park your car in the garage when you’re at home, having a winter car kit on hand is a good idea for even short commutes. Include items like an ice scraper, snow brush, windshield washer fluid, and a small shovel. This will come in handy during snowstorms and long drives, ensuring that you can quickly and safely get on the road without spending extra time clearing your car of snow and ice should you find parking outside at your destination.

Final Thoughts

We promise that prepping your garage for winter is a smart investment of time and energy. By following these essential tips, you’ll create a more functional and cozy space that can withstand the challenges of the cold season. From insulating the garage to organizing your belongings and winterizing tools, each step contributes to a well-prepared garage that’s ready to face whatever winter has in store. So put down that pumpkin spice latte, grab your flip-flops, and get your garage winter-ready today!

Not sure if your garage door can withstand another harsh New England winter? We can help! Contact the experts at Champion Overhead Door today!

Creative Garage Storage Ideas for Summer Sports Gear

Creative Storage Ideas for All Your Summer Sports Equipment

Male cyclist riding bicycle outdoors, closeup


With the arrival of summer, it’s time to dust off your sports equipment and gear up for some outdoor fun. However, as enjoyable as summer sports may be, storing all the necessary equipment can sometimes pose a challenge. Even if you spent time spring cleaning your space, it’s easy for your garage to quickly become a cluttered mess if you don’t have a practical storage solution in place. In this blog post, we will explore creative storage ideas that will help you keep your garage organized and ensure easy access to your sports equipment whenever you need it. From tennis rackets to bicycles, we’ve got you covered!

Safety First!

When organizing your summer sports equipment in the garage, prioritize safety. Securely anchor wall-mounted storage solutions to prevent accidents. Store sharp objects safely using covers or specialized racks. Keep hazardous materials away from heat sources in a separate, well-ventilated area. Maintain clear pathways and childproof the storage area.

Maximize Vertical Space

When it comes to garage storage, vertical space is often overlooked. You can create a dedicated area for your summer sports equipment by utilizing the walls and ceiling. Install wall-mounted shelves, hooks, and racks to store items like tennis rackets, baseball bats, and golf clubs. Ceiling storage systems or overhead racks are excellent options for bulkier items such as kayaks, surfboards, or paddleboards. These solutions keep your equipment off the floor and free up valuable space.

Kayak stored in a garage over winter using a home-made pulley system.

Customizable Cabinetry

Investing in customizable cabinetry can significantly enhance your garage storage capabilities. You can have cabinets specifically designed to accommodate your sports equipment. You can easily store balls, helmets, pads, and other smaller items with adjustable shelves and compartments. Custom cabinetry allows you to create designated spaces for different sports, ensuring everything has its place. Consider including lockable cabinets to safeguard valuable equipment.

Dedicated Sports Equipment Wall

A dedicated sports equipment wall is a practical and visually appealing storage solution. Cover a wall in your garage with pegboards or slat walls, which offer versatile hanging options. Attach hooks, clips, and specialized racks to hold various sports items. You can also add baskets or bins to keep smaller accessories neatly organized. Label each section to identify and retrieve the desired equipment quickly. This setup works well for tennis rackets, basketballs, hockey sticks, and much more.

Bike Racks and Pulley Systems

Bicycles are a quintessential summer item, but they can take up a lot of space. Optimize your garage storage by installing bike racks. Wall-mounted bike racks save space and keep your bikes securely in place. Alternatively, consider a pulley system to lift your bikes off the ground, allowing you to utilize overhead space. This solution is ideal if you have multiple bikes or limited floor space.

Sports Gear Cubbies

Organize your smaller sports gear, such as gloves, goggles, shin guards, and knee pads, by incorporating sports gear cubbies. These cubbies can be either freestanding or wall-mounted, depending on your preference and available space. Assign each family member or sport a cubby to keep everything separate and easily accessible. Additionally, you can label or color-code the cubbies for added organization and convenience.

Multi-Purpose Storage Benches

If you’re seeking a dual-purpose storage solution, consider investing in multi-purpose storage benches. These benches provide seating as well as ample storage space. You can store balls, Frisbees, badminton sets, and other small items inside the bench, keeping them tidy and within reach. The bench can also serve as a convenient spot to put on or take off your sports shoes.

Portable Shelving Units

For those who prefer flexibility, portable shelving units are an excellent option. These units are lightweight and versatile, allowing you to rearrange them whenever needed. You can use them to store sports equipment and camping gear or even create a temporary gear station outside during outdoor activities. Look for shelving units with adjustable shelves to accommodate items of varying sizes.

Final Thoughts

Don’t let the clutter of summer sports equipment overshadow your outdoor adventures. By implementing these creative storage ideas, you can reclaim your garage space and keep all your summer sports gear organized and easily accessible. From utilizing vertical space to incorporating customizable cabinetry and dedicated sports equipment walls, numerous storage solutions fit your needs. Explore the options available and create a functional and visually appealing garage. With a well-organized space, you’ll be ready to embrace the summer season and enjoy your favorite sports without any hassle.

Remember, a tidy garage not only enhances the lifespan of your sports equipment but also ensures that you’re always prepared for your next exciting summer activity! Does the exterior of your garage need some attention, too? The professional team of garage door experts at Champion Overhead Door can help! From a simple tune-up to a whole new look, we can help! Contact us today!