Garage Door Repair: What to DIY and When to Call the Pros

Alt text: Exterior view of an attached garage of a house with two white paneled doors. Outdoor lamps are mounted on the sunlit gray wall siding of the home.

Your Garage Door is Important – Proceed with Caution!

Garage doors are essential to your home’s security and convenience, and when they malfunction, the resulting issues can range from slightly frustrating to downright dangerous. Sometimes, if the issue is minor, you can fix it yourself with some basic tools and the right combination of elbow grease and know-how. Other times, the problem is more complex, and you’ll need the help of a professional to ensure that the repair is done safely and correctly. In this article, the professionals at Champion Overhead Door will offer guidance on determining when to repair your garage door versus when to call in the pros. And remember, if you’re ever in doubt, it’s best to call a professional!

When DIY Garage Door Repair May Be Sufficient:

Lubrication issues: If you hear squeaking or grinding sounds when opening or closing your garage door, it may be due to a lack of lubrication. You can easily fix this yourself by applying a silicone-based lubricant to the hinges, rollers, and tracks.

Sensor problems: If your garage door doesn’t close, there may be an issue with the safety sensors. Check to make sure the sensors are clean and aligned properly, and adjust them if necessary. Also, ensure that there aren’t tools, toys, or other items inadvertently triggering the sensors – the space around them should be free of debris and clutter, making this a simple fix that you can do yourself.

Remote control issues: If your garage door remote isn’t working, it may be due to dead batteries or a faulty signal. Replace the batteries first, and if that doesn’t work (and we hope it does – because how easy is that?), try reprogramming the remote. These are easy fixes that you can do on your own.

Dents and cosmetic issues: Ugh – no one wants to walk out of their home and see an unsightly dent in their garage door. But the good news is that it can be a simple and inexpensive fix in many cases. Start by cleaning the area around the dent with mild detergent and water, then use a hairdryer or heat gun to warm up the metal. Once it’s warm, place a block of wood behind the dent and use a rubber mallet or hammer to gently tap the dent out from the front. You can also try using a plunger to suction the dent out, but this method may not be as effective for larger dents. Go slow! Using minimal force will ensure that your attempted repair doesn’t cause more damage. Remember that if the dent is severe or the garage door has sustained other damage, it’s best to call in a professional for repairs to ensure that the door operates safely and correctly.

Alt Text: A close-up of someone applying a drop of oil on the chain of the garage door hardware.

Issues Best Left to Garage Door Professionals:

Garage doors are heavy and typically range from 300-500 pounds. Trying to fix certain issues yourself can result in severe damage to your home or injury to yourself. While this list is not exhaustive, it’s a good starting point for things you keep off your DIY list:

Track damage: If your garage door tracks are bent, damaged, or misaligned, it can cause serious problems with your garage door’s performance. Attempting to fix this yourself can be dangerous and can cause further damage to your garage door – you may even void the warranty.

Motor problems: If your garage door motor is making strange noises, not working at all, or the door is moving unevenly, it’s likely an issue with the motor. Unless you have experience with electrical repairs, it’s best to leave this to a professional.

Cable issues: If you notice frayed cables or cables that have come loose, it’s important to call a professional to repair them. Attempting to fix this yourself can be dangerous and can cause serious injury or even death, given the amount of weight these cables support.

Panel damage: If your garage door panels are damaged, it can affect the door’s performance and compromise its security. Repairing or replacing garage door panels is a complex process that requires specialized tools and expertise. It’s best to leave this to the professionals.

Broken springs: If your garage door won’t open or close, the problem may be due to a broken spring. Replacing a spring can be dangerous, and the amount of force a single spring can generate if it unloads improperly can cause serious injury. We never advise customer’s attempt to repair a damaged spring on their own.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, while some garage door repairs are simple enough to do yourself, others require the help of a professional to ensure that they’re done safely and correctly. If you’re unsure about a repair, it’s always best to call in the pros to avoid causing further damage or putting yourself at risk of injury. Your garage door is an important investment, and taking good care of it will ensure that it lasts for years to come. Looking for a little help with your garage door repair? We can help – contact us today!

Posted in Garage Door.