4 Ways to Deal with Garage Door Dents

Keeping your garage door in great working shape isn’t just about aesthetics. Practically speaking, it’s important for making sure your garage door is working properly.

Whether you accidentally backed your car into your garage door or playful children resulted in dents, it’s possible to repair garage door dents without the help of professionals. In some cases, after assessing the damage, you might decide that a professional should get involved. But for minor dents in your aluminum garage door, you can try a few different methods.

Hammer It Out

Aluminum garage doors are known for their malleability, which helps when minor dents are present.

1. Clean up the dented surface area with a simple soap and water mixture.
2. Get a block and mallet or something similar.
3. Go to the opposite side of the indentation and place the block over the dent.
4. Gently tap the section with your mallet until it sits flush with the rest of the panel.

Deeper dents may require using fine grit sandpaper and filler to create smoother results.

Suction Cups

If you have access to suction cups, this is an extremely efficient way to take care of minor dents on your garage door. Similar to car repairs, technicians can use suction devices to correct garage door dents.

Use Heat

Metal garage door panels shift back into place with rapid heating and cooling. This method requires more steps, but is relatively simple and inexpensive.

1. Clean up the dented surface area with a simple soap and water mixture and wait for it to dry thoroughly.
2. Place aluminum foil over the dented area.
3. Heat the aluminum foil with a lighter for about a minute and then quickly remove the foil.
4. Use compressed air to spray the dent for another minute and it should pop back into place.

Call A Professional

For major repairs, it’s always best to have a technician assess the damage and either fix it themselves or recommend a replacement garage door panel.

There are plenty of options when it comes to fixing dents and dings, and as always, Champion is here to help you! Whether you need recommendations, instructions, or a replacement, we’ve got you covered.

Posted in Garage Door.