Tips for a Successful Garage Sale

Whether you’re looking to make some extra cash or looking to declutter, garage sales are a great way to clean up and clean out your home! While they may seem overwhelming with all the logistics involved, if you plan ahead they can be successful and maybe even fun.

For starters, get cleaning. A great rule of thumb is to ask yourself, is it beautiful or useful? The fact is there are some things in our house that might not “spark joy” as Marie Kondo says, but we still need it. Clean out the closets, the cabinets, the attic, the storage, under the beds, and outside in the sheds!

Step two. Get sorting. Before you start with prices, put everything into three piles: keep, sell, trash. The main goal is to get rid of the junk and find a permanent home for what you’re going to keep.

Step three. Name your price. Don’t be too sentimental about your stuff. If you’re struggling, ask a friend to tell you what they’d pay. Also considering bulk pricing for items like books, CDs, or other similar items. Make those prices visible and expect some negotiating.

Here is a good general rule of thumb for garage sale items:

Baby Clothes
    $1 to $3 for gently used/good condition

Adult Clothes
    $3 to $5 (more if the item still has tags on it)

    $3 to $7

    $5 to $15

    50 cents to $2 (but if you think the jewelry is valuable, have it appraised first)

    $1 to $2 for hardcover and 25 to 50 cents for paperback

Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, or CDs
    $3 to $5

Toys and Games
    $1 to $3 each

Home Décor
    $3 to $5

    $10 to $30 for low-quality furniture but no more than one-third of the price for high-quality pieces

Pro Tips:

1. Have some change on hand

Don’t lose a sale because you don’t have change! Make sure to have enough change to get through the sale and make change for your customers.

2. Two days are better than one

The earlier you can get started, the better. Hardcore garage sale goers get up bright and early to get the “worm” and most sales will wind down before noon. Having the sale over the course of two days will help you sell more!

3. Make it appealing

If you want to make the sale, make your stuff look nice. Pump up the bike tires, dust off the appliances, and display everything in an organized and appealing way.

4. Consider a multi-family sale

Multi-family sales are great for a number of reasons. Maybe you don’t have enough for an entire sale on your own or maybe the task seems too daunting to do alone. Getting together as a neighborhood often gains more traction with buyers and more work can be spread out amongst families.

Whether you’re hosting a garage sale or not, this is a great opportunity to assess your garage and make sure it’s in tip-top shape. Clean off those shelves, organize the tools and make sure all the parts are working properly. As always, Champion is here to make sure your garage doors are in the best shape possible. Let us know how we can help!

Posted in Garage Door.