How to Choose the Best Garage Door Opener System

If you’re in the market for a new garage door opener, one of the main considerations you’ll have to make is what type of system to choose. Are you looking for something basic and reliable? Is noise a concern? Do you need to lift a heavy door? These are a few of the common questions that can help people decide on the best garage door opener for their particular situation.

In today’s post, we’ll review the three main types of garage door opener systems and examine the pros and cons of each.

Chain Drive Garage Door Opener

Chain drive garage door openers are the most common of the three. A metal chain attached to the motor works to lift the garage door up and down. On top of being affordable, a chain drive garage door opener is also known for being sturdy, reliable and long-lasting, providing ultimate value.

That said, there are drawbacks to chain drive garage door openers. Since all the main parts are made of metal, they tend to be noisier than other types of garage door openers. For this reason, they are best for detached garage doors where you don’t have to worry about being bothered by the noise. It’s important to note that chain drive garage door openers also require regular maintenance to ensure that the chain continues to run smoothly.

Belt Drive Garage Door Opener

If you’re concerned about the noise caused by a garage door, a belt drive garage door opener is the perfect choice. They’re known for being much quieter than chain drive garage door openers, as they use rubber belts to open and close the door. This is the best garage door opener for attached garages, particularly ones that have a bedroom above them or those that are near living spaces like nurseries that need to be kept quiet.

As you might have guessed, you can expect to pay more for the luxury of a quiet garage door. But the good news is that a belt drive garage door opener is strong, durable and built to last. With proper maintenance, you’ll definitely get your money’s worth.

Screw Drive Garage Door Opener

While chain and belt drive garage door openers have similar functionality that works to pull the garage door up, a screw drive garage door opener uses a threaded metal screw that rotates to lift the door. With fewer moving parts, a screw drive garage door opener is known for its reliability. People also appreciate that this type of opener is quiet and fast.

As for negatives, one downside is that the screw threads can experience wear over time, though it’s easy enough to prevent this from happening by providing proper lubrication. Also, if you have a heavy garage door, this may not be the best choice since the extra weight can cause additional wear to the screw threads.

No matter where you are in the process of choosing a new garage door, the friendly and knowledgeable professionals at Champion Overhead Door are here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Posted in Garage Door.